Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Manage Excess Inventory

Excess inventory in the technology manufacturing industry is a collection of components or product that is not usable in production by the manufacturer who owns it. It can be caused by a sudden obsolescence of materials due to rapid advancements in technology or poorly managed material flow and stock demand. Manufacturers that face this problem need a plan as to how to manage this inventory, or it will result in lost profits due to capital being tied up in the inventory, as well as the cost of storing the materials. Working with a reputable electronic components distributor can help connect the manufacturer with prospective buyers, assist in turning a profit, and freeing up the storage space. Additionally, a distributor knowledgeable about market trends can educate the manufacturer on the best time to sell, buy or keep their inventory.

The most efficient and effective way to deal with an excess inventory is to work with an electronic components distributor that offers a consignment program. The program allows the manufacturer to put their inventory on the market through the distributor without selling it outright. The distributor markets the product to an extensive network of possible buyers for a fee, streamlining the entire process in a timely and efficient manner. The manufacturer still owns the product up until the point of sale, and can withdraw it from the market before then.

When choosing the distributor best fitted to help you manage your inventory, select a company with   extensive experience in marketing and selling materials. This will ensure that the distributor understands market trends and has the network of buyers necessary to sell your product. Furthermore, it can help you gain invaluable information from them on the proper time to sell, keep or buy products. An excess inventory consignment program with the right distributor can help ensure an efficient, smooth sales process as and can help the manufacturer receive the best possible sale price for their inventory.

Harry Krantz Company is an exemplary electronic component distributor that has over 70 years of experience in excess inventory consignment as well as supplying components to various industries including the military and aerospace markets. Their knowledge and reputation grants them access to a large network of buyers to help turn manufacturers’ excess inventory into profit. Additionally, they utilize their ongoing marketing efforts to ensure that new buyers are attracted to the manufacturers’ products as well.

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